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Breathwork Workshop // Miranda Tiller

Breathwork Workshop:

Connect to your Soul, Release the fear, Take aligned action towards your dream life.

Feeling stuck in your life? Fear of being seen and heard stopping you from creating a life with deeper meaning and fulfillment?

Do you have big aspirations but often get stuck in the ‘how’? How’s it going to happen?

And because you feel like you don’t know how to make your aspirations happen, you get stuck in overwhelm?

Or do you procrastinate thinking that the next step has to be perfect? And if it's not just right, you don’t bother taking the next step?

If you resonated with any of the above, this Breathwork Workshop might just be calling your soul.

It’s no accident that you landed here.

Your soul is calling you to trust it and release the fear holding you back from taking the next aligned step in your life and/or business.

Hi, I’m Miranda Tiller.

Over the last few years, I’ve overcome extreme self-doubt, learned to love on and heal deep-rooted anxiety, made peace with my body after years of hating it, made massive shifts in my life and business including…

–Going from living in my parents basement with my husband and 2 small children to buying a beautiful, dare I say “dream” home in less than 1 year

–Doubled my income in my business

–Became a mentor for the worlds #1 breathwork company in the world, helping other humans change lives through the power of breathwork

–Created a deeper sense of purpose, freedom, and fulfillment in my life and the lives of others

There's no way that I would be leading this heart-expanding group experience had I not found breathwork or decided to go deep within my fears. I had to take control of my life by diving into the emotional pain that I’d be unknowingly burying for years.

Breathwork has helped me and hundreds of others to:

–Calm the nervous system, creating more safety in the body

–Release negative thought patterns

–Releases trauma from the body **not just the mind

–Increase mental clarity

–Deepen your connection to your internal guiding system

…and so much more.

In this 75 minute workshop, my intention for you is to experience being IN your body, feeling held and supported, and to energetically clear the stress, anxiety, and fear that is not who you are. My intention is to hold space for you to experience more of your true essence using the power of your breath.

We will be using tools like breathwork, journaling, visioning, and other somatic (body-based) experiences to allow for deeper embodiment of this new frequency you will be opening up to.

You can expect to walk away with a deeply healing, energy expanding experience to help you shift into your next level in your life and business.

Join me Saturday July 23rd, from 10:00–11:15am CST as we dive in together to experience a deeply healing and transformational breathwork workshop.

Tips before the workshop:

–If you’re new to transformational breathwork, we will be lying down breathing continuously for anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes during this session. This continual breathing helps you to bypass the mind chatter and enter into your body on a deeper level. This gives your body the opportunity to process and release stagnant energy within the body created by unprocessed trauma and trapped emotions living within the body. This processing opens you up to experience more joy, bliss, and more of the truth of what you are: love. I use a trauma-informed approach, meaning… You get to decide how deep you want to go into the breath. You are in control of your experience. I am simply there to guide you to where you desire to go.

--Set up your space. Bring your favorite yoga mat, essential oils, crystals, tea, your favorite cozy blanket, etc. Bring anything that makes you feel present and held.

--Be sure to bring your journal or notebook. We will be doing some journal work to deepen the mind-body connection.

--Bring ALL parts of you. You deserve to be seen, heard, and felt in this workshop. If that feels intimidating for you, bring that part of you too. There's so much healing that will come from that <3

--In order to get the most out of our time together, I invite you to come with an open heart and an open mind.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me an email or reach out to me on IG @mirandatiller. I love hearing from you!

This is a donation based experience with 30% going back to Yoga+Co. You can Venmo me at @Miranda-Tiller-1 before or after the experience.

See you there!