Elements Series: Water- Creativity, Feeling, Sensuality
The element of water is associated with the 2nd, sacral chakra. This energy centre relates to fun, freedom, creativity, flexibility, sex, pleasure and money. Some people say it is the seat of our emotions and in my experience that is definitely true – for others it's the heart. The element of water is nourishing but also powerful and fierce. This is all about heightening your sensitivity and feeling and tapping into your creativity and sensuality. The element of water lives in the pelvis, so we'll be using doing lots of juicy hip openers and mantras to deeply connect deeply to this space.
This is for anyone wanting to move their body to create ease & space, “go with the flow!”
Sign up under : Donation Flows: Water Flow at Raccoon River
Meet : To the West of Raccoon River Beach on Blue Heron Lake - On the peninsula South of the Nature Lodge
Donation Based // Cash or Venmo: YogaCoDsm