Grateful Heart Yin Yoga and Sound Bath
Around this time of year, many of us reflect on what we are grateful for. It is easy to ignore our own worth and that we deserve thanks, too. Whole heartedly welcome and express your gratitude to self at this yin “flow” and soundbath. You will activate your heart center through poses to generate a warm, unconditional love and appreciation for you. Prepare to leave with the recognition that you are loved and being cared for and have enough to live a beautiful life.
A soothing sound bath will wrap your body in compassion for self, while ridding the body of any negative energies released through the asanas. The body will then be restored and renewed to a harmonious balance.
Showing up for you, wherever that may be in your practice, is a gift. Join Jess, on your mat, and fill yourself with abundant love and thanks to carry with you throughout the season!
Nov 18 11-12:30
Venmo or Cash to instructor upon arrival
90 min//$20 // Limited Spots Available
Book Here: