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Yoga Nidra + Sound Journey // Lindsay

Join Lindsay in the healing practice of yoga nidra & sound bath. Experience complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation.

We will begin our evening with gentle yoga to warm the body and calm the mind. Our practice will lead into yoga nidra, also referred to as deep relaxation with inner awareness. This unique experience will be under candlelight restoring your mental, physical & emotional health. Imagine relaxing under your favorite blanket with warm lavender towels & essential oils.

Yoga Nidra “yogic sleep” is the state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. It is a gentle practice and guided meditation. One hour of yoga nidra is equivalent to four hours of REM sleep. Yoga Nidra is a practice to develop deep inner awareness and experience deep states of relaxation within our physical and more subtle energy bodies. Yoga Nidra activates relaxation responses which improves functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems and balances the hemispheres of the brain. During this practice our brains enter different states of wave patterns that not only stimulate our intuition and creativity but allow us to rewrite thoughts and emotions.

Sound bath is an acoustic journey that relaxes the body, clears the subconscious, calms the mind and activates your body's natural healing systems. Let the quartz crystal signing bowls tuned to the same frequency Nature vibrates at heal your mind, body and soul, and let yourself be transported into a state of pure relaxation.

Benefits: Yoga Nidra promotes restful sleep, reduces stress, supports the immune system and aids cellular healing. This practice paired with healing sounds is a powerful tool for healing. In this unique Yoga Nidra practice Lindsay will guide you into relaxation using her voice as well as Jess plays powerful healing sounds of gongs, drums, singing bowls and chimes. You may expect brief gentle movement and soothing breathing practices before the yoga Nidra and healing sound meditation. We will be laying down in relaxation most of the time.

Please bring anything to support your comfort during meditation and relaxation. Blankets & pillows highly encouraged. There is no experience required. This is a practice for the beginner and experienced practitioner.

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