“I need to be touched and held, but it feels scary and unsafe. I feel like I might get hurt, or hurt other people.” We created this workshop because we’ve been there too, and found the tools to heal our relationship with touch. We want to share these tools with you.
Authentic touch is knowing in your body what is right for you and having the tools to express it. Through intentional practices, you will experience:
-how to create a safe environment for yourself and others
-what and where your boundaries are and how to express them effectively
-feeling into what is a “yes” or a “no” for you
-the difference between consent and trauma responses (fight, flight, freeze, fawn)
This workshop will consist of a series of games, practices, and discussions to help you better understand and heal your relationship with touch. The structure of activities for the day will be as follows:
-A practice in exploring common fears, traumas, experiences, desires, and other ways you are not alone
-An exercise in directly experiencing your own personal space and boundaries
-A practice with tools necessary to confidently say no or ask for what is right for you
-An exercise in understanding what consent is, how to ask for or give consent
-A discussion on trauma responses that may come up (fight, flight, freeze, fawn)
-A touch optional exercise to support your personal healing
-An opportunity for deepening any included touch practice in a safe, supervised environment
This workshop is designed to heal your relationship with touch and can be applied to all areas of your life, including safe, platonic touch with family, friends, and social groups, teaching your children important tools in how to express boundaries and feel safe, and even to deepen intimate and romantic relationships and communication.
Book Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/authentic-touch-workshop-tickets-655638621767