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For the Love of Dance // All Love Movement

Your first and forever dance partner is You. I invite you to deepen the connection with Self through this guided class and Ecstatic Dance Journey. 

Ecstatic Dance has taught me so much, and continues to teach me about myself, My connection to others, and how i can better move througout this world. Everything I teach, can be applied on and off the dance floor ❤️ Heal your relationship with dance, or simply deepen this practice of Self love and Devotional Movement. 

For much of My life i have been afraid to dance alone. Fears coming in of being judged that I don't have someone, that no one would want to dance with me. That my dance would be judged as attention seeking, too sexy, or not sexy enough. I felt embarrassed and ashamed of my yearning for a partner, yet did not know how to ask my SELF to dance. Dance has taught me to be my own partner, how to ask another to dance, and how to let go of a partner when it just doesnt feel good. All of these things are okay, partnership is a beautiful thing, but You also do not need to be in a romántic relationship or even know another person to have a really beautiful connection on or off the dance floor. Fall in love with yourself, fall in love with the dance of LIFE. 

Ecstatic dance is traditionally non verbal so the ONLY way to connect with another is through dance, eye contact, mirroring, and touch.

 Contact Improv will teach You to be your own partner, connect and interact with the room, as well as HOW to safely and consentually connect with another human. There is no skillset for this practice other then the willingness to be present with the body, and let go of the stories youve told yourself about dance. You do not need a partner to feel connected here, though there will be an invitation to play with others, through partner games, and group excersices. Every practice is just an invitation to explore, and there is no perfect steps or destination, we are here to savor and enjoy this ever changing flow, in the the dance of LIFE. 

Schedule of Events

Cacao ceremony to Open our time together 💖 Doors Open at 6:30pm We Will settle in and serve cacao at 7pm, offer space to set intentions, talk about consent(how to Say yes and no during the dance, non-verbally, NO means no, but ecstatic dance has key guidelines to do this in a way that everyone is on the same page) , and use this medicine to connect with our own heart, breath and warm up together, and then lead into some fun and empowering games. This Will include a mixture of solo work and partner work. Consent means You get to choose, in every moment if you want to participate, so honor your yes's and no's.

You can come solo, bring a lover, friend or partner. No experience nessesary. Bring a water bottle and an Open mind. Ecstatic dance is an Alcohol and drug free container and Also welcomes children, we will have a space for them to color, and we love to have them dance too 💖 

If this is a YES for you please venmo @alllovemovement or Paypal 


This event is offered on a sliding scale of $11-$33 dollars and includes cacao, guided movement practice, and free movement dance 💖 Please give what You can so we can continue to offer these transformational experiences. No punchcard accepted, please pay instructor directly.